National Director

Francis Odoi

National & East Africa Area Director

Evangelism Explosion Uganda has shown that inexperienced witnesses are best enabled to share the Gospel by participating in discipleship teams that include on-the-job training in actual witnessing situations that are led by a more experienced witness. Evangelism Explosion Uganda is focused on the local church as the primary God-established base of operation for evangelistic and discipleship activity in the world.

As a Christian, you have the opportunity to be a part of this Christ-centered, God-inspired, interdenominational worldwide ministry. The attainment of Evangelism Explosion Uganda purpose and goals depends largely upon the men and women who honor and obey the Lord with their lives and will do everything in their power to support the work of winning souls and training others to do the same as together we change the world by bringing multitudes before the throne of God and in front of the Lamb – Revelation 7:9.

We are honored to have you partner with us through your financial giving and through prayer as together we seek to complete all that God has for us to do in fulfilling the Great Commission.

Francis Odoi